A study of the old city fabric and the new development area was requested by the City Council. In response, the research team at MIT lead by Professor William J. Mitchell, head of the Media Arts and Sciences Program at the MIT, and Professor Dennis Frenchman conducted a series of workshops held in Zaragoza and at MIT, involving a broad range of experts and community stakeholders. The Milla Digital is essentially a project for the economic development of Zaragoza. The Zaragoza ‘Digital Mile’ will incorporate digital media into everyday aspects of the public realm to make places that respond to their users; accommodate multiple activities; and provide stories, information and services to the people of the city. It will question how can technology enhance public use and enjoyment? Can it make space more productive, or meaningful? What types of urban forms best accommodate digital media? Can it create a public realm that is more flexible and adaptable to different users, activities, or moods? How do you develop content for the media and who should manage it? All of the spaces, parks and buildings on the Digital Mile include free, public wireless connectivity as well as open access to the digital systems and responsive media elements located along the Mile. Digital systems are programmable according to users’ wishes and thus facilitate experiences on the Digital Mile.